Tuesday 27 September 2011

Bug Fixing, Collisioning

I spent about 30 minutes today writing some fairly extensive collision detection code that would solve our problems of players running through each other (if they had enough momentum/inertia) when I realised...I could just change 1 character from the code we previously had and accomplish almost the same thing :) so that was a waste of time!

A little bit more of the object phyiscs stuff was added in, such as being inertia based, affected by gravity, rotating on movement (appearing to roll) and such. I also fixed up a bunch of bugs lying around in the code that people didn't get around to doing.

Friday 23 September 2011

Lots of work

Over the past week, we've put in a bit of work into project, but today has had the greatest amount of improvements. Yesterday, I helped Vince put together the workings of Story Mode, which is now playable from start to en.

Today I've been working on two things - making combos work as they should, and level objects. The first part was very successful - combos can now be executed as they should, with an additional fun combo added in for testing (hint: hadouken :p). On top of this, all moves now have a range, which does exactly what it sounds like it should. All of the old moves still have the previously set range of 250 for now though, which Vince will be able to sort through later.

The second thing I've been focusing on is physics entities, or level objects. So far, we have blue buttons, that are knocked back and turn red when struck by a fighter's attacks. Eventually, I'm hoping to utilise the animation engine used for the fighters themselves, allowing for background objects that can have animations and react accordingly when hit. Oh, and I'll give them gravity too...eventually...

The AI can inadvertently hit the objects too! These will most likely not affect the gameplay and just be an aesthetic thing in the end.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Prototype complete!

Last night and today I put a bunch of more effort into getting the move system working and up to scratch. Jordan found some sounds for everywhere in the game, so all the attacks make (almost comical) sounds on hit, miss, and block. Vince made animations to go with the new blocking and crouching/crouch moves too, so the game changed into a very playable state in 24hrs. I also implemented a knockback effect (which, like jumping, can be...exuberant at times =p). Jordan polished a large amount of the UI elements of the menus and stuff so the game looks great now.

 The prototype demonstration today went well as well, and tomorrow we will have another skype work day, and hopefully accomplish a tonne more!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Week before prototype demonstration!

Over the past few days, I've worked on getting the event manager up to scratch with fighting events. Now, you can attack other fighters! Instead of yourself! Lol also you can block now, which is pretty cool. Jordan has also set up the AI to block, and Vince created animations for both block and low block/crouch block. The game is finally coming together, and you can now properly complete a battle from start to end. There is still room for a LOT of improvement, but over the next few weeks it will all come into place.

Friday 9 September 2011

Bug fixes and Blocks

Yesterday, some minor work was done to the fighting engine. The most interesting is the addition of the block mechanic, which required some extra behind-the-scenes additions to the fighting engine to allow recognition of buttons that were held down. Once this was all in place, Blocking was added as a special sort of Move in the game, and Vince created some animations for each fighter. There is still a fair bit of work to be done for it, but blocking is in there!

 I also fixed some bugs, such as the "earthquake" bug where the controller would constantly shake while you were touching the floor, which now operates properly. Hopefully today we will all spend a good amount of time working together via Skype and accomplish similar progress to last Friday.

Friday 2 September 2011

New Event managing

After some...annoyances...I decided that it was about time that the messy event manager was re-written to some extent. Now, instead of 3 lists of lists of objects, there is now 1 struct per fighter, containing all of their event information. Also, the events, while still abstracted from "FightingEvent", are now contained separately, and acted upon as such. This allows for much easier manipulation and updating between the move and attack events, and solves some very annoying limitations/bugs that were happening before.

My focus now is to get the combo timers working properly again, allowing combos to be strung together if the button presses are within the combined time of all other button presses from that combo.