Over the past week, we've put in a bit of work into project, but today has had the greatest amount of improvements. Yesterday, I helped Vince put together the workings of Story Mode, which is now playable from start to en.
Today I've been working on two things - making combos work as they should, and level objects. The first part was very successful - combos can now be executed as they should, with an additional fun combo added in for testing (hint: hadouken :p). On top of this, all moves now have a range, which does exactly what it sounds like it should. All of the old moves still have the previously set range of 250 for now though, which Vince will be able to sort through later.
The second thing I've been focusing on is physics entities, or level objects. So far, we have blue buttons, that are knocked back and turn red when struck by a fighter's attacks. Eventually, I'm hoping to utilise the animation engine used for the fighters themselves, allowing for background objects that can have animations and react accordingly when hit. Oh, and I'll give them gravity too...eventually...
The AI can inadvertently hit the objects too! These will most likely not affect the gameplay and just be an aesthetic thing in the end.
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